Happy and Healthy: Lessons with two under two.

Hello! It’s been a long time since my last post (over a year!), but I’m back at it and am hoping to write more regularly. I have some excuses for being so behind, including having a second baby, going back to work, and becoming a mom, but who needs to go through all that? Let’s just start again.

One thing I’ve realized lately about myself is that I am much happier when I have a schedule. I gave birth to Miles at the beginning of June, and took a full three months off.


It was wonderful to be home with my boys and to spend some time making sure that they were happy and healthy.

But now that the autumn air has arrived, and I’m back at work, I feel so invigorated.  September has never lost its charm—chill mornings and warm afternoons, leaves starting to change colors. It’s a wonderful time of year!

So, now that I’m back at it with two little ones on my hips, I’m trying to relearn the balancing act of the circus woman I became last spring and to learn some new tricks of the trade as well.

The most important things seem to be (so far):

It’s OK if we’re dirty. I would rather skip the occasional bath or tooth brushing session to have more play time when we’re all together.

Bedtime on time (including me and Will). There are many fewer tears and tantrums from all of us if we prioritize getting our zzz’s.

Don’t put off what can be done today to tomorrow. Nap times are a great time to get email, cooking, and cleaning done.

Shop with one or none. Do NOT attempt to take both boys to the store unless one or both are sleeping.

And, most importantly, Let the little things go. It might drive me crazy to have a messy house day in and day out, but if I take a deep breath and remember what’s most important, I might not find myself compulsively cleaning the grout…or at least, not as frequently. And, socks are much cuter when they don’t match!



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