Rules of the House


One of my friends asked me what I want for Charlie when he grows up. I couldn’t think of anything too compelling at the time, but we just finished a retreat for my work where we discussed our mission, goals, and accomplishments.

It was good stuff, and it made me think that I should probably spend some time doing the same for my life.  So, here goes. Charlie, when you grow up, I want you to know these things.

Rules to Live By:

1. Be Generous of Heart—show compassion, have empathy and be kind

2. Do the Hardest Thing First–be proactive and productive

3. Forgive and Move On

4. Be Content, but Strive for the Best

5. Take Care of Yourself—your body, mind, and spirit

6. Don’t Keep Track—there’s no need for comparison

7. Focus on the Good in All

It might be a little over the top, but I hope I can refer to these from time to time to stay focused on what I believe is important. And I hope, someday, Charlie will make his own list of rules that he strives toward.

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